Who We Are
FBC Lathrop
There are few things more important to our faith than coming together as believers. The world is full of temptations, and it seems to only be growing darker by the day. But Christians are called to regularly gather together in the name of the Lord. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” When believers gather together, they build each another up in faith and love.
At FBC Lathrop, our mission statement is “Knowing Christ and making Christ known.” Therefore, we gather together as a congregation to worship, serve, and learn more about God. It is our ambition to put Christ at the center of everything we do. When He is the focus, great and wonderful things happen! Faith builds faith, love encourages love, and truth begets truth.
As a congregation, we strive to be warm, loving, and close-knit: displaying the love that Jesus first showed us. It is our sincere hope that you will find us to be a welcoming and friendly church. We invite you to join us for Sunday services, get involved with our ministries, or get in touch with us.
We look forward to hearing from you!
FBC Lathrop History
Then & Now
The First Baptist Church of Lathrop has existed as a congregation since the earliest days of Lathrop – all the way back in the mid-1800’s!
Since our founding, we’ve moved buildings a couple times, changed pastors many times, and countless members have come and gone. But through it all, we’ve sought to serve and grow in the Lord. Our mission statement – knowing Christ and making Christ known – sums up the core of who we are.
Our vision is that every person would hear the Gospel and experience the surpassing worth of knowing Christ.
FBC Lathrop Today
Our Staff
Rodney & Geneva Dorr
Transitional Interim Pastor
Donnie, Lily & Lucas Quinn
Youth & Worship
Donnie and his wife Lily Quinn have served as youth ministry leaders since 2012. He holds a Doctorate of Scriptural Psychology from Faith Bible College. In addition to youth ministry he is also an avid musician and leads the church praise and worship.
Pam Love
Office Assistant
Pam has served as church Office Assistant since July 2019. Her consistent and dedicated service has been a great blessing to the church.
In addition to our pastoral staff and secretary, numerous other hard-working men and women are currently serving within the church. These include deacons, financial officers, committee chairs, and ministry coordinators. Without them, much of what we do as a church would not be possible! We thank God for these people every day, and recognize that it is only through His providence that we are sustained as a church and as a fellowship.